archival upload
The object to upload data for. In the case of non-root objects. This is usually the object path minus the `objects_dir` prefix and the `.toml` extension, for instance, `my-object-type/object-name`.
The field to point at the uploaded data. If not defined at the root of the object, dots can be used to indicate child indexes and fields. For instance `child.0.child-field` would point to the first `child`'s `child-field`.
A path to a file to upload
optionally specify a path to an archival site. By default will run in the current working directory.
Uploads a file to archival’s CDN and sets a field in a local object with the resulting metadata. When uploading files via the command line, this allows you to do the same thing the editor does, which is to upload and store the uploaded sha in a local file field.